Fan art de Kasino, de la série «Les Légendaires»

In the original serie issue 14 we explain that her mother cheat the king with the Doc.

The first apparence of her tyranic cousin Kasino (he's actually dead)

Stay tuned for the next part of Les Légendaires!

After he died, Green Shadow was coming back through Saryn, then she transformed and Saryn was kinda dead.

The next issue will be the past of Jadina and I think we're got to know more about Green Shadow and I belive that we're gonna intruduce a new Shadow who's a member of Les Légendaires.

The first encounter between Jadina and prince Halan(you'll see him more in the third part)

Jadina's mother and the Doc!

Trouvant cela louche, les Légendaires enquêtent sur l'affaire et finissent par en conclure que le clone est innocent et que c'est Ténébris qui a tué Kasino.

Le comte Kasino est le fils de la comtesse Invidia